Small PC also supports Arduino

LattePanda is an Intel Atom PC running and Arduino (Leonardo clone) combined.

RS Components LattePanda

Designed for Windows 10, it has a Z8300 quad-core 1.8GHz Cherry Trail CPU, 2-4Gbyte DRAM, 32-64Gbyte eMMC and interfaces including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.), HDMI and USB 3.0.

I/O is handled by Leonardo’s ATmega32u4 processor rather than the Atom.

“This micro controller is re-programmable, the source code is provided, and can be programmed to off-load the Atom if an application is so demanding,” said RS Components, which is stocking the 2Gbyte/32Gbyte version.

RS Components LattePanda up closeIt comes in two versions – with or without a Windows license. “The licensed version offers better value for money than an unlicensed plus separate license,” said RS.

Arduino coprocessor

“Anyone who has tried to use a Linux/Windows system for real-time/deterministic operation will tell you it doesn’t work well,” said RS. “Linux or Windows is based on scheduling and when we ask for a GPIO to go high it schedules this event. When it happens depends on a number of factors adding up to ‘sometime later’.”

LattePanda pin-outU1 is X-Z8300 core I/O.
U2 is ATmega32u4 I/O.
U2 digital I/O pins (A0-5, D0-13) are 5V 40mA with switchable 20-50kΩ pull-up

The Arduino has analogue inputs and hardware blocks including I2C and timers. “Using a hardware I2C device means the more reliable operation as the software is no longer having to poll the I/O and the hardware will do all of the hard work,” said RS.

The Arduino comes pre-programmed with the Firmata sketch for PC Operation, which provides an interface to the Arduino hardware via a serial port for controlling the GPIO and peripherals.

Some extras

  • Acrylic case & fan  (126-3112)
  • TFT LCD   (126-3116)
  • Sensor kit  (126-3114)



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